
Electrostatic forces operate on charges regardless of their motion. Magnetic forces only operate on moving charges. This tutorial therefore concentrates on charges in motion.

In each tutorial the level of difficulty of each topic is colour-coded.
This is intended to give you some idea of when it might be appropriate to have a go at it. The colour codings are intended to mean:

Level 0 (green)- this is basic material that you have probably encountered already, although the approach may be slightly different. No prior knowledge is assumed.

Level 1 (gold) - this material has some prerequisites that are covered in the first year mathematics for chemists course. It will be made clear what these prerequisites are; many students will have covered them already as part of Physics or Further Mathematics.

Level 2 (red) - this material is more advanced. It has been provided as background to help you understand courses in the second and third years. You may not be in a position to understand this until you have completed and digested the first year.