9. Molecular Orbitals and      Molecular Structure   Previous PageNext Page
     Triple Bonds and sp Hybridisation

The acetylene molecule is linear, with all four atoms in a straight line. The C-H bond lengths are little different from those of other molecules, but the three electron pairs in the triple bond pull the carbon atoms together until they are only 1.21 Å apart, compared with 1.34 Å for a double bond and 1.54 Å for a single bond. If a nitrogen atom replaces one carbon, a triple bond is still possible, but then the C-H with an electron pair bond is replaced by N:, with its lone electron pair, and the result is HCN (hydrogen cyanide), which is shown at the right. If the other carbon atom also is replaced by N, the result is the triply bonded N~ molecule. This is the end of the road for bonds between most atoms. Quadruple bonds involving s and p orbitals are geometrically impossible. An absolute requirement for bonding is that the AO's from the two atoms overlap, and as the bond order increases from single to double to triple, the atoms have to be pushed closer together to achieve this overlap. No matter how the s and three p orbitals are hybridized, the only way to make all four orbitals overlap with the corresponding four from another atom is to push the atoms together until their nuclear centers coincide-an impossible thing to do. Hence, quadruply bonded C gas molecules, sharing all four bonding electrons on one C with a single partner, are not found. This is one reason for the observed dramatic difference in properties of the pure elements, between solid diamond and N, O , and F gases. The C molecule can exist, but only with incomplete electron-sharing. This makes
C very reactive and stable only at high temperatures.

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