Ask a Chemist: Dr Bradley Cowie

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Dr Bradley E. Cowie is a specialist in Inorganic Synthetic Chemistry; he obtained his Honours BSc degree and PhD in chemistry from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. His PhD research focused on exploring ways in which new and highly reactive transition metal compounds may be used in catalysis. Following his PhD, Bradley moved to the UK to pursue Post-Doctoral research at The University of Edinburgh, where he explored the chemistry of uranium and the uranyl ion, [UVIO2]2+. Given that the uranyl ion is the most abundant form of uranium in the environment, this research had direct implications in uranium waste remediation strategies. During this Post-Doctoral Research, Bradley also had the opportunity to travel to and live in Dresden, Germany, where he investigated the chemistry of neptunium, a highly toxic and highly radioactive f-block element of the periodic table.

Currently, Bradley is a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the University of Oxford whose work focuses on the use of Cu2S nanoparticles for photoelectrochemical CO2 reduction. This work has the potential to recycle carbon dioxide, a highly abundant greenhouse gas, and transform it into new and useful molecules.






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