Megan graduated with an MSci in Chemistry from Imperial College in 2016. She undertook a final year research project working in the group of Professor Nicholas Long, studying the use of upconversion nanoparticles in bioimaging. She stayed to complete a PhD as part of the Centre for Doctoral Training in Smart Medical Imaging, based between King’s College London and Imperial College London. She continued her work with upconversion nanoparticles, with focus on developing luminescent probes for molecular imaging. During her PhD, Megan spent an increasing amount of time teaching in the undergraduate chemistry labs at Imperial and discovered her love for teaching chemistry. She was awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy in July 2021.
In 2021, Megan joined the Chemistry Teaching Laboratory team at the University of Oxford, specialising in teaching practical skills to undergraduate chemists. She designed and developed new undergraduate experiments and focused on pedagogical approaches to teaching practical chemistry.
Megan was appointed to her current role as Departmental Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry in July 2024.