Well-geometric-confined yolk-shell catalysts can act as nanoreactors that are of benefit for the antisintering of metals and resistance to coke formation in high-temperature reactions such as the CO2 reforming of methane. Notwithstanding the credible advances of core/yolk-shell catalysts, the enlarged shell diffusion effects that occur under high space velocity can deactivate the catalysts and hence pose a hurdle for the potential application of these types of catalysts. Here, we demonstrated the importance of the shell thickness and porosity of small-sized Ni@SiO2 nanoreactor catalysts, which can vary the diffusional paths/rates of the diffusants that directly affect the catalytic activity. The nanoreactor with an ∼4.5 nm shell thickness and rich pores performed the best in tolerating the shell diffusion effects, and importantly, no catalytic deactivation was observed. We further proposed a shell diffusion effect scheme by modifying the Weisz-Prater and blocker model and found that the "gas wall/hard blocker" formed on the openings of the shell pores can cause reversible/irreversible interruption of the shell mass transfer and thus temporarily/permanently deactivate the nanoreactor catalysts. This work highlights the shell diffusion effects, apart from the metal sintering and coke formation, as an important factor that are ascribed to the deactivation of a nanoreactor catalyst.
CO2 reforming of methane
,shell diffusion effect